Popular Landscaping Plants

You Should Get Rid of ASAP

Bradford pears don’t support wildlife, insects, or pollinators. In fact, they choke out native trees and plants, creating food deserts.

1. Bradford Pear  (Pyrus calleryana)

This vigorous vine produces massive clusters of tiny white, intensely fragrant flowers in the fall.

3. Sweet Autumn Clematis  (Clematis terniflora)

In addition to rapid growth and reproduction through masses of seeds, this tree secretes a toxic chemical into the soil, killing surrounding plants.

4. Tree of Heaven  (Ailanthus altissima)

When it climbs into the forest canopy, it obscures tree foliage from the sunlight, rendering the host tree incapable of photosynthesis.

6. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

As it spreads, barberry displaces native plants and is considered invasive in and around the Northeast U.S. It also alters the chemistry of the soil, turning it more alkaline.

8. Japanese Barberry  (Berberis thunbergii)

In addition to suffocating other plants, mats of honeysuckle block the light.

10. Japanese Honeysuckle  (Lonicera japonica)

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