Interior Tour
Bob walks through the remainder of the renovation, admiring the details and faux-finish painting that continues through the kitchen, living room and dining room.
Bob walks through the remainder of the renovation, admiring the details and faux-finish painting that continues through the kitchen, living room and dining room.
Bob meets with the painters giving a unique faux finish to the feature wall.
Bob tours the finished coach house exterior.
The finishing touches are put on the garden while the exterior painting is completed.
Bob goes outside to observe a tree being planted and to see the little garden beyond the entryway landscaped.
Bob installs some interesting finishing touches in the coach house kitchen. For instance, a pony wall is dressed up with a shadow effect and a routed oak cap.
Bob joins demolition Jim Ferguson in the basement of the coach house to review progress.
Custom-built base cabinets and laminate countertops are installed in the kitchen of the coach house.
Bob helps install a whirlpool tub in the master bedroom.
Bob tours the completed living room and dining room of the coach house, then heads down into the basement to see the work that’s been done on the heating system.