How to Get More Clients for a Cleaning Business

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a cleaning business will need to find a reliable way to bring in a steady stream of new and repeat clients.
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How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business: cleaning specialist ensuring a clean and tidy space

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Starting a commercial cleaning business or a residential cleaning business is often an enticing opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. However, amid the bustling market competition, a business owner might wonder exactly how to get cleaning contracts for their business.

Prospective and existing cleaning-business owners can compile a roadmap to attract and retain clients more easily, no matter where they are in their business journey. By understanding the key strategies and tactics required to grow a business, an entrepreneur can carve out a lucrative niche in the cleaning industry—whether they plan to offer the best move-out cleaning services, deep-cleaning services, or regular house-cleaning services.

By following nine actionable steps, business owners can gain valuable insights that will help them connect with potential cleaning leads, showcase expertise, and ultimately build a thriving cleaning business.

How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business: Window cleaning specialist in a van, on the way to a client's location

Before You Begin…

Before diving into how to get clients for a cleaning business, prospective business owners will want to keep some essential considerations in mind. First, they will need to understand their target market by identifying ideal clients, their specific needs, and preferences to tailor services effectively. Additionally, establishing competitive house-cleaning prices that reflect the quality of their work and local market rates is crucial, as is building a professional image through branding and online presence, such as a user-friendly website and active social media profiles.

Those who want to start a cleaning business will want to obtain the necessary licenses and budget for cleaning-business insurance costs to operate legally. Aspiring cleaning-business owners will also want to consider investing in marketing strategies such as sending out cleaning services flyers, starting a referral program, networking, and utilizing online advertising to kick-start their client acquisition efforts.

Starting a business can be hard work, so many entrepreneurs choose to work with a business registration service to ensure they follow all the requirements to operate their business legally. This adds an extra cost to starting up a cleaning business, but it may be worth it for the peace of mind it can provide to a new business owner.

Tips for How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business

  • Like many service-based businesses, a successful cleaning business relies on word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied clients.
  • Cleaning businesses will want to focus just as much (if not more) on earning repeat business as they do on new clients to ensure a steady stream of work.
  • Running a cleaning service advertisement campaign, whether online or through physical means like signage or direct mailers, can also help bring clients in the door.

STEP 1: Identify the target audience for your business.

Understanding potential clients and their specific needs is crucial for business owners, so they can tailor their services and marketing efforts for a successful cleaning business.

Whether business owners are looking for ideas for unique cleaning services or general cleaning-business ideas, there are several types of cleaning services to consider.

  • Residential cleaning: Cleaning homes and apartments, particularly in urban areas with busy professionals, can be highly profitable. Offering specialized services like deep cleaning or move-in/move-out cleaning can boost profits.
  • Commercial cleaning: Office spaces, medical facilities, and retail establishments often require regular cleaning services. Offering business-cleaning services is a way to ensure a stable income stream, especially if a business owner targets multiple businesses in the same building or shopping center.
  • Specialized cleaning: Business owners who venture into specialized areas such as a carpet cleaning business, window cleaning business, or post-construction cleaning business can find these profitable if there is demand in the area.
  • Janitorial services: Providing janitorial services to schools, government buildings, and industrial facilities can lead business owners to long-term contracts and steady income.
  • Green cleaning: With a growing emphasis on sustainability among consumers, offering eco-friendly cleaning services can set a cleaning business apart and attract environmentally conscious clients.
  • Budget cleaners: A “light-touch” budget cleaning service can be offered for lower prices than a full deep-cleaning service costs, making it affordable for customers and profitable for business owners.

Ultimately, the type of cleaning business that makes the most money will depend on factors such as location, competition, and the specific needs of the target audience. Business owners who decide to go into a niche market may want to look for wholesalers that provide specialized supplies for cleaning companies so they can use the correct products in their work.

It’s also important for business owners to understand what prospective customers want when hiring a cleaning company. Above all else, customers want a cleaning service they can depend on—one that is punctual and offers consistent, high-quality cleaning. Quality of service is paramount, as clients will expect a thorough and professional cleaning job. Attention to detail and the use of safe, effective cleaning products can set a business apart from the competition. Offering customizable cleaning plans is essential for business owners to cater to a wide range of preferences, from one-time deep cleans to regular maintenance. Clients will also choose a business that’s affordable, so balancing competitive pricing with quality service is crucial. The best cleaning services are successful because they understand a client’s needs and strive to meet them every step of the way.

STEP 2: Talk to family, friends, and neighbors to let them know about the business and build an initial client list.

To build an initial client list, prospective cleaning-business owners can reach out to their personal network, including family, friends, and neighbors. This step involves initiating conversations with these individuals to let them know about the new cleaning-business venture. By sharing the details of the business and the range of services offered, entrepreneurs can tap into their existing relationships to start up their client list.

Word-of-mouth referrals and personal connections can be a powerful way to kick-start the business, as satisfied clients within their network may not only become loyal customers themselves but also recommend the services to their own family and friends. This initial client base is a valuable foundation that can help the cleaning business expand and thrive in the future.

How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business: Professional window cleaner showcasing their cleaning services on a business card

STEP 3: Network with local businesses that aren’t direct competitors and ask them to consider referring clients.

By reaching out to local businesses that aren’t direct competitors, prospective business owners can establish strong partnerships in the area. This involves initiating conversations with neighboring businesses and presenting the opportunity for collaboration. Entrepreneurs propose referrals, emphasizing to neighboring businesses that a clean and inviting environment is essential to their ability to attract new customers. Encouraging these businesses to consider referring clients in need of cleaning services can lead to a steady stream of potential clients. Business owners will also want to leave a stack of cleaning-business cards for businesses to hand out to their customers who may be interested.

“Join and engage in your local Chamber and at least one business organization,” advises Sharon Tinberg, residential home cleaning process and procedure expert for the International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA). “The contacts you will make and the knowledge you will gain will be priceless. In the beginning of starting a business, you are the best and least expensive advertising piece. The more you network, the more you brand your company and the more people will call you and use your services.”

STEP 4: Build an online presence by creating a well-optimized website, profiles on social media sites, and a Google Business profile.

Entrepreneurs will want to focus on creating a well-optimized cleaning-business website and setting up profiles on various social media sites, as well as a Google Business profile.

A professional website serves as the virtual storefront, providing essential information about services, pricing, and contact details. Google Business listings enhance visibility in local searches, increasing the chances of attracting nearby clients. Additionally, active social media profiles enable engagement with the audience, showcase the company’s personality, and demonstrate expertise in cleaning services.

When it comes to what to post on social media, a cleaning business can share a variety of content, including:

  • Before-and-after photos: Business owners can sharing images showcasing the transformations their cleaning service can bring to homes or businesses.
  • Cleaning tips: The page can offer practical cleaning tips and tricks to establish authority in the field and provide value to potential clients.
  • Client testimonials: Social media is a good place for businesses to share positive feedback and testimonials from satisfied clients to build trust and credibility.
  • Promotions and special offers: A social media profile is ideal for announcing any special offers, discounts, or promotions to entice potential clients.
  • Behind-the-scenes: Showing behind-the-scenes glimpses of the cleaning process can give followers a sense of what to expect.
  • Educational content: Business owners can create informative content for social media about the importance of cleanliness, the benefits of professional cleaning, and how certain cleaning products work.
  • Community engagement: Getting involved in local events or initiatives and sharing the business’s participation can demonstrate its commitment to the community.
  • Interactive content: A business can run polls, quizzes, or Q&A sessions to engage with followers and encourage interaction.
  • Industry news and trends: Sharing updates on industry news and trends can show that the business stays current and adapts to changing needs.

By consistently posting a mix of engaging and informative content on social media, a cleaning business not only can attract potential clients but also build a loyal online community and reinforce its expertise in the industry.

How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business: Cleaning expert applyingmethods for thorough cleaning

STEP 5: List the business on online marketplaces such as Angi, Handy, and Thumbtack.

To enhance the visibility and reach of their cleaning business, owners can consider listing services on reputable online marketplaces such as Angi, Handy, and Thumbtack. These platforms provide valuable exposure to a wide audience looking for cleaning services. By creating detailed profiles and accurately describing their offerings, entrepreneurs can attract potential clients who browse these marketplaces to find trusted service providers. Being present on multiple platforms allows for greater market coverage and boosts competition in the online marketplace, increasing the chances of business owners securing new clients and growing their cleaning business.

STEP 6: Create a marketing plan and allocate some funds to digital advertising on search engines and social media sites.

Business owners will want to develop a comprehensive marketing plan, and one that includes a robust digital marketing strategy, to promote the business. With a solid understanding of the business’s target audience, prospective entrepreneurs can then set specific, measurable goals, such as boosting website traffic or generating leads.

Next, they’ll want to select key marketing strategies, such as digital advertising, social media marketing, content creation, email campaigns, and more, tailored to the business’s needs. Allocating the budget wisely across these strategies is essential for business owners to ensure effective execution.

For social media marketing in particular, business owners will want to choose the right platforms where the target audience is most active. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn often work well for cleaning businesses. Consistently posting relevant, valuable content and interacting with followers through timely responses to comments and messages can all help build trust and a sense of community.

Business owners may want to consider paid social media advertising to reach a broader audience and target specific demographics. To optimize their social media strategy, business owners can track the performance of posts and campaigns using analytics tools. Lastly, encouraging followers to like, share, and follow profiles, along with potential collaborations with influencers or complementary businesses, can further expand the business’s reach online.

How to Get Clients for a Cleaning Business: Skilled women cleaners diligently providing cleaning services

STEP 7: Offer discounted services for first-time customers, as well as frequent coupons or offers for existing customers.

To incentivize potential clients and retain existing ones, offering discounted services for first-time customers and implementing regular coupons or special offers for loyal clientele is a sound strategy for any cleaning business. Extending a welcoming discount to first-time customers can encourage them to experience the quality of the cleaning services firsthand. This initial positive experience can lead to long-term client relationships. Providing ongoing coupons or exclusive offers to existing customers also shows appreciation for their loyalty and incentivizes repeat business.

“The easiest way to make money in the cleaning industry is to service a large repeat client base,” says Tinberg. “One-time jobs are a lot of work and very high maintenance. Networking will bring you repeat clients, [while] the internet brings you far more one-time [clients].”

STEP 8: Offer a referral program to encourage existing customers to refer their friends and family members to the business.

Aspiring business owners can implement a referral program that encourages existing customers to refer friends and family members to the cleaning business to stimulate referrals and expand the client base. This program entails offering incentives or rewards to current clients for successful referrals, such as discounts on future services or other exclusive benefits. By doing so, entrepreneurs not only tap into their established customer base but also leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing, which can be highly effective in attracting new clients.

STEP 9: Encourage customers to leave reviews on sites such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook.

Encouraging customers to share their experiences by leaving reviews on prominent platforms such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook is a valuable strategy for building credibility and attracting potential clients to the cleaning business. As prospective clients often rely on online reviews to make informed decisions, a collection of positive feedback can significantly influence their choice to engage with the business.

Entrepreneurs can politely request feedback from satisfied customers and guide them on how to post reviews on these platforms. Positive reviews serve as powerful testimonials and also boost the business’s online visibility. Responding promptly and professionally to reviews, whether positive or negative, demonstrates a business’s commitment to customer satisfaction and further enhances the business’s reputation.

As with any entrepreneurial venture, building a thriving cleaning business requires strategic steps and thoughtful approaches. Aspiring business owners will want to take the time to set up a legally registered and licensed business, identify their target customer base, develop a strong marketing strategy, and focus on providing excellent customer service. By following these nine steps, cleaning-business owners can establish a strong foothold in the industry, foster client relationships, and ultimately achieve sustained growth and success.