Installing a Marvin Palladian Window

Michael Roche from Marvin Windows joins Bob in examining the house's existing windows and determining which to keep or replace. A new Palladian window will create a great look for the family room.

Clip Summary

Michael Roche from Marvin Windows joins Bob in examining the house's existing windows and determining which to keep or replace. A new Palladian window will create a great look for the family room. This style of window has a round arched top with a flanking flat-top window on each side. Carpenters Bob Ryley and Danny Ruffini install the new window. Architect Gregory Rochlin explains how the space has been reinforced to handle the load.
All right, let's start talking windows with my friend Michael Roach from Marvin who, well you really helped us figure out how to put together the whole window order for this particular 100 year old house and we do have some old windows that we're preserving with the beautiful ripple glimmery.


Down below.

And then we have other windows like this one, right?

That's correct.

OK. I'm not sure that this is the hundred year old window.

I think, I don't know you, you probably. It's an old one.

It's an old one, but I think it's more like a 40 or 50-year-old window that was added right into this dormer at some point during the last forty or fifty years and when you have some something like this, it's almost not worth trying to repair it.

Right. It's very difficult.

And you've got broken panes of glass in many places, you've got a fair amount of damage to the wood fill, some rot and a lot of built up putty and paint and even if you went to great lengths to restore it and make it look pretty you still Have a very low technology product.

Very much so.

Let's talk about the technology of this window.

Yes what we've been able to do is kind of keep the architectural integrity and restore what looks like an original unit but put a lot of high technology into the glass.

Which basically enhance the performance of this probably four times based on the glasses.

So we just have one pane of glass.

Is that like a one hour already?

That's a good, it's a general way of looking at it. Yes.

And what if got here.

We've got two panes of glass, plus we also put what's called a low impassivity coating on it which helps reflect the heat back so more like a mirror reflects your, the image.

Image, right. And of course, then we also have Orgon gas in the airspace which also affects the heat and cold transfer.

So what we have with these is an R 4.

Basically typically the center of glass would be more like a little over an R4.

Great and they look as you said they look identical .

What was here in the first place?


But for really, really great looks, we're talking Paladin window. Let's go in the in the


in the family room. Now, the idea with this family room was that even when your kids are gone to college it's nice to have one big room in the house that's going to draw them back.

And this is meant to be both an entertainment center, as well as a place for a pool table.

And this is really going to make the room spectacular.

Now, the origin of a palladium window.

You probably know more about this than I do.

I don't know about that.

Well, it has to do with Andrea Palladio . . .

who was a 16th-century Italian architect.

And he designed a lot of neoclassical palaces around Venice, Italy. The Veneto.

But one of the things he liked to do was to very prominently place a round-topped window flanked by two flat ones.

Kind of in these proportions.

In a very important part of a gable.


Or a house. And this is a beautiful window.

Now, I think the guys have got it all. You know, there's so much prep work involved in this, right?

That's correct.

We've basically custom-sized some windows and we're going to custom fit some sill nosing and casings onto it. And they've got it all mocked up, but essentially it's three different windows that go in independently, right?

That's correct.

OK. Now do you have to take the sash out before you install them?

It'll be the easiest in this application because we don't have any existing casing, where you would typically nail through the casing on an installation.
We're going to take the sash out in the jam liners and screw through frames.

OK, how do you take the sash out?

Very simply, we could tilt the window up and press against the jam liners, and our sash will tilt in.

And you pivot them out like that?


OK, well while you're taking all the sash out, I think I'm going to check in with architect Greg Rockland whose joining for a minute.

Very Good.

Hi fellas.

Hi Bob.

Looks like a little medical caucus over here. I wanted to talk about the structure of the frame because this is an unusual situation, right Greg?

Well it is. There are two problems here. One, we removed the ceiling which was bracing this outside wall.


So the wall was never designed for this clear span. So the first time we increase the thickness. 5 and a half inches.

But you don't really have a big roof load here. It's a gable end.

It's a wind problem.
Which actually the wind load is almost as great as the roof load it's about 50 pounds a square foot, which is almost the same as a snow load.


And this high up off the ground as you can see you've got.
You' re not protected by other buildings. You have a severe wind problem.

There's no real wind break. There's no taller building next to us.

That's right.

And so, the way you've addressed it is with braces here.

These are leadened braces that are holding against the wind and then this big heavy header actually its not a load problem, but it stiffens the wall and it brings this load out to where the braces are.

Okay, so basically its stiffening it. And then we've framed independently for each of the three windows. Now are you guys ready to install this?
We think you are.

We think you are.

And what's the first one. Come in, let's grab it.


And first one is a centerpiece.

Alright , up with it. You got it?

Yeah, here you go.

OK, now this has to get plumbed from the outside?

Danny will get it from the outside and I'll handle it from the inside.

There you go.

Is this next?



OK, how's this side?
Is that up where you want it?

It seems close.

So you got that one?

Yes, I'll get the side trim pieces.

OK. Well, this is going to take a little bit of finagling, but we're going to have to break for some messages. Don't go away.

That's the last shim to trim down.


But there's still a couple more pieces to put up there.

And we're going to have to move pipe staging around, aren't we, in order to get you up there?We 'll have to get some, we'll have to get some more planks. Hopefully we don't have to move the stages.

I'll help you carry the planks.

All right.

Hey listen, we are running short of time. I want to thank you for your help.

Thank you.

They are absolutely beautiful windows, and... I think that one closes.


Thanks a lot Michael, OK. We're running short on time. I hope you can join us next time when we'll be insulating this house using different types of insulation in different parts of the house.

We're also gonna be spending a little time doing paint removal; deletting, particularly in some of the areas that still have some of the old original trim work. And we'll be back to work on the kitchen deck, putting down some redwood one by four decking material, as well as working on the fencing.

That's it for now. Until next time I'm Bob Vila, and it's good to have you home again.