House Failures in Hurricanes

Bob is joined by Wayne Sallade who explains that demolition takes time and skilled, certified contractors and it's going to take a long time to rebuild Florida

Clip Summary

Bob is joined by Wayne Sallade, the emergency manager for Charlotte County, Florida. They stand before a residential property that has been condemned since the strike by Hurricane Charley. Sallade explains that buildings built in the 60s, 70s, or early 80s -- prior to the Florida Unified Building Code -- were destined to fail in those winds. Roof failure with gable roofs that catch wind like a sail, lap siding that was ripped from the sides of homes, and failure of stick-frame construction to hold together through wind and wind uplift caused these buildings to fail. With another hurricane season looming, it is critical to remove these damaged buildings before they become wind-borne missiles threatening other structures. Sallade explains that demolition takes time and skilled, certified contractors. With so much devastation in areas of Florida, there are not enough demolition contractors to complete all the work. He adds that a 50/50 rule specifies that any building damaged beyond 50 percent must be torn down and rebuilt. With zoning changes, it is often difficult for owners to rebuild in accordance with required materials and practices. Sallade then looks with Bob at older homes that survived unscathed, largely because they had hip roofs to deflect the wind, wind protection for doors and windows, and traditional Florida construction.