9 Ways

Natural Disasters

Are Changing Your Local Building Codes

1. FEMA and Biden announced an initiative to advance building codes.

It calls for more stringent codes to make homes better equipped to withstand hurricanes and wildfires.

2. Wildfires are making some communities say “see ya!” to cedar shakes.

The preferred alternative is fire-resistant asphalt shingles and fiber cement siding.

4. Orange County says “no” to open soffits on roofs.

Boxed eaves have closed soffits covered with a noncombustible material that prevents hot embers from blowing into the home.

6. Older homes on Florida’s coast may have to be retrofitted to comply with new codes.

Storm damage experts are pushing for Florida to consider requiring older homes to be retrofitted to meet updated IRC building code standards.

7. Communities in  Colorado are shunning stick-built homes.

Communities in wildfire-ravaged areas of Colorado are trading out modern stick-and-frame construction for earthen blocks and roof tiles, which have been around for millennia.

9. Florida homes are being fortified against flooding.

Codes require builders to elevate new construction several feet higher, and equip them to withstand wind speeds of up to 140 miles per hour.

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